Casino Tropez Bonuses
With all of the great features, jackpots, loyalty awards and bonuses this casino has to offer, it is disappointing that it’s not open to all.
Casino Tropez only caters and accepts three currencies being Sterling, Euro and Dollar; and prohibits any United States residents from playing.
Security and Fair Play at Casino Tropez
The security of all games and fair play is maintained by the continuous monitoring of the online casino by Technical Software Systems Testing. Also, all players are provided with entire financial transactions to enable each player to track his/her money which is very suitable for all amateurs and ultra-convenient for veterans.
Casino Tropez’s Games and Software
This online casino offers players more than one hundred games to choose from, including a few massive progressive jackpots. The online gaming software can either be accessed instantaneously online by use of a flash player or downloaded. For computers with slow internet connections, downloading might prove to be very time consuming and if flash player is not installed, additional downloads will be required. Classic Table games and card games which include Blackjack and Roulette require its own unique flash version. However, it is advisable to rather download this software and pre-install all of the games to reap all of the benefits and advanced high quality features it has to offer. Casino Tropez’s software can even be downloaded onto internet enabled mobile devices for convenient play.
Casino Tropez offers crystal clear graphics with superb sound quality, so much so that even an arcade game such as Derby Racing will become very addictive.
Pay Outs, Promotions, Jackpots and Bonuses at Casino Tropez
Casino Tropez features many alluring bonuses for all players such as a Welcoming Bonus upon a player’s first and second deposit. Even the high rollers receive loyalty bonuses when they deposit a certain amount into their account. Loyal players also receive complimentary points, invites to exclusive events as well as tournaments.
Casino Tropez also hosts daily promotions, one being if a specific payment method is chosen by a player, that player will receive a percentage of that deposit back.
Banking Options at Casino Tropez
Similar to all other online casinos, Casino Tropez accepts a variety of standard payment methods such as all major bank credit cards, FirePay, NETeller and Citadel, to name just a few.
Casino Tropez’s stipulated minimum deposit requirements vary as it is based on the actual method of payment.
Customer Support
The customer support department can be contacted via live online chat messaging, email or by telephone by dialling a toll free number.
Casino Tropez Casino Bonus Coupon : Casino Tropez
- Welcome Bonus Sign up Bonus
- Gambling Rewards Bonuses
- Buy-in Bonuses
- Cash Bonus
- Preferred Deposit Bonus
- VIP Bonus
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