The Top Ten Most Expensive Hotels

So we’ve all dreamed of being rich and famous. And we’ve all watched movies where the stars stay in fabulous penthouse suites. Now you can see which hotels are home to the most expensive rooms in the world.

Number 10: The Penthouse Suite, The Martinez Hotel, Cannes @ $18,000 a night

Number 9: Ritz-Carlton Suite, Ritz-Carlton Moscow @ $18,200 a night

Number 8: Royal Suite, Burj Al Arab, Dubai @ $19,000 a night

Number 7: Imperial Suite, Park Hyatt, Vendôme, Paris @ $20,000 a night

Number 6: The Bridge Suite, The Atlantis, Bahamas @ $22,000 a night

Number 5: Presidential Suite, Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo @ $25,000 a night

Number 4: Villa La Capula Suite, Westin Excelsior, Rome @ $29,000 a night

Number 3: Ty Warner Penthouse, Four Seasons Hotel, New York @ $34,000 a night

Number 2: Hugh Hefner Sky Villa, Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas @ $40,000 a night

Number 1: Royal Penthouse Suite, President Wilson Hotel, Geneva @ $53,000 a night

If you’re looking for something a bit closer to home, and your price range, check out this luxury accommodation in Ballito.

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